120 Interesting Facts About Apple

Facts About Apple - Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company that specializes in consumer electronics, software, and online services headquartered in Cupertino, California, United States. Apple is the largest technology company by revenue (totaling US$365.8 billion in 2021) and as of May 2022, it is the world's second-biggest company by market capitalization, The fourth-largest personal computer vendor by unit sales and second-largest mobile phone manufacturer. It is one of the Big Five American information technology companies, alongside Alphabet, Amazon, Meta, and Microsoft.

Today in This post we are going to share Interesting Facts About Apple. Please share this post with friends. I hope you like this post.

Facts About Apple

Interesting Facts About Apple

  • The religion of Steve Jobs was Buddhism.
  • Every third person employing Apple is Indian.
  • Apple was the first to make a digital color camera.
  • Steve Jobs became a millionaire at the age of 25 years.
  • Every advertisement on the Apple iPhone is shown at 9:41
  • Never smoking near Apple Computers then ends its warranty.
  • The Apple iPad’s Retina Display is actually made by Samsung.
  • The name iPod was inspired by the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  • Apple’s iPhones are sold in around 89 countries around the world.
  • Did you know that Apple Company found in 1976 on the April fool day?
  • One of the original Apple computers sold for more than $387,000 in 2013.
  • If you want to buy iPhone by part by part in 1991 then it costs $ 3,560,000.
  • At present, Apple is the largest publicly traded company in the United States.
  • Apple cracked into the Fortune 500 in 1983, a spot it has held onto ever since.
  • Apple is so successful, it has twice the amount of money than the U.S. Treasury.
  • Apple Macbook’s battery can also save you from gunshot because it is BulletProof.
  • Apple’s cash on hand, around $155 billion, could give everyone in the US, $490.00!
  • \There are also 60% of Apple store me applications that no one has downloaded till date.
  • Many of us would not know that Apple holds the patent for the ‘slide to unlock’ feature.
  • Apple’s first company logo featured a drawing of the father of physics, Sir Isaac Newton.
  • Co-founder Steve Wozniak had to sell his scientific calculator to raise funds for Apple. 
  • To raise capital for Apple, co-founder Steve Wozniak had to sell his scientific calculator.
  • Steve Jobs had been ousted by the company in 1985 and returned again Apple company in 1996.
  • Apple’s original logo designed by Ronald Wayne depicted Sir Isaac Newton under an Apple tree. 
  • It may sound ridiculous, but if you smoke while using an Apple computer, you void the warranty.
  • If you use iTunes, you have already agreed to not use Apple’s products to make nuclear weapons.
  • Microsoft founder Bill Gates invested $ 150 million in the 1997 bankruptcy of the Apple company.
  • Apple co-founder Ronald Wayne sold his shares for $ 800, which would be worth $ 35 billion today.
  • If APPLE’s iPhone is fully charged once a day, then it will consume the power of $ 0.25 in a year.
  • Interestingly, Samsung makes the retina displays and OLED displays that are used in Apple devices. 
  • Apple’s profit for every iPhone 6 Plus sold is approximately $85 more than its smaller counterpart.
  • If Apple was a country, it would be the world’s 27th largest country, between Venezuela and Belgium.
  • Apple used the capital from its initial public offering for the development of the Macintosh and Lisa.
  • In June 2014, a seven-for-one stock split took the trading price of Apple from approximately $645 to $94.
  • You’ll be amazed to know that an iPad with apps installed weighs more than the one without apps installed.
  • Apple’s earliest computer did not include a monitor, keyboard, or case, and was an assembled circuit board.
  • Apple has around $150 billion in excess capital. It could buy companies like Netflix, Twitter, Tesla, and Facebook.
  • SIRI was actually planned to be released even on Android and Blackberry, only before Apple bought SIRI Inc. in 2010.
  • Apple’s products are known for their premium safety features. It’s MacBook Pro can stop a .22 Cal and a 9mm handgun. 
  • Apple’s app is the most downloaded in the world. Over 25 billion apps have been downloaded from Apple’s Store so far.
  • One of the lesser-known facts about Apple is that it was the first private company to reach $1 trillion market value. 
  • More to your surprise, Apple was the first digital company to develop a color digital camera named—Apple QuickTake 100. 
  • The iPod’s creator first gave the suggestion to Philips and RealNetNetworks companies but failed to see their potential.
  • Apple made so much money that it was equal to the earnings of Google, Facebook, and Amazon in the first quarter of 2014.
  • Apple is so successful, that in the first quarter of 2014, it made more money than Amazon, Google, and Facebook combined.
  • Despite the fact that he was the founder of the company, Steve Jobs was fired from Apple in 1985 at the tender age of 30.
  • Apple’s initial public offering was made on December 12, 1980. The company sold 4.6 million shares at a cost of $22 per share.
  • There is a lot of chances that you can get Job early in the Apple company rather than getting admission to Harvard University.
  • The company that made the iPod first went to Philips and RealNetNetworks companies, but the companies did not like their idea.
  • The popularity of this company can be estimated from the fact that a man in Japan engaged in line for 7 months for the iPhone 6.
  • The revenue generated by Apple is more than the GDP of many countries, including Ecuador, Libya, and Iraq (among hundreds of others).
  • Although being a fierce competitor, Microsoft invested $150 million in Apple in 1997 when the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. 
  • In 1983, Apple launched its Lisa line of computers. It failed. Word is that around 2,700 of the devices are buried in a landfill in Utah.
  • Apple is so particular about its customers’ privacy that it even refused the FBI when it approached Apple to unlock a terrorist’s iPhone. 
  • In July 1976, the Apple I computer went on sale at a price of US $666.66. This price was set because Steve Wozniak liked repeating digits. 
  • For some reason, Steve Jobs was sacked from Apple in 1985. He rejoined the company in 1996 and was a major contributor to its success since. 
  • In early 2015, Apple became the first ever $700 billion company. More recently, Apple overtook Google as the most valuable brand in the world.
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook earned $9 million in 2014. A large number, for sure, but not when you consider that Apple is the most valuable company in the world.
  • China is currently Apple’s second biggest market, trailing only the United States. Revenue in China grew to nearly $17 billion in the second quarter of 2015.
  • Apple finished 2014 with $178 billion in marketable securities and cash. Even so, CEO Tim Cook is persistent in saying the company doesn’t want a cash hoard.
  • If you closely observe, every iPhone ad from Apple displays the time 9:41 AM. This is because it was the time Steve Jobs unleashed the original iPhone in 2007.
  • Apple has approximately 83,000 employees in the world. Apple headquarters employees earn $ 125,000 each year. The Apple company earns $ 300,000 every 1 minute.
  • It was no evil Satanic reason the Apple I sold for $666.66. Steve Wozniak saw that the price was $667.00 and liked repeated numbers so he changed it to $666.66.
  • Apple scored big time with the iPod. The creator, Tony Fadell had originally offered the device to both Real Networks and Philips. Both companies turned it down.
  • This may sound a little unusual, but there is a paragraph in the Apple iTunes End User License Agreement that prohibits using iTunes to create nuclear missiles. 
  • When the first iPod prototype was developed, Steve Jobs dropped it into an aquarium to prove that there was still empty space in it and it could be made smaller. 
  • Tony Fadell, the brain behind the iPad, had first pitched the idea to RealNetworks and Philips. However, they could not recognize the potential and refused the offer.
  • The iPhone was almost named something else, with the company considering names such as Mobi, Telepod, and Tripod. The name “iPad” was also considered for its smartphone.
  • It cost $666.66 to build the first Apple computer. Despite the many conspiracy theories, it has not been proven that anybody at Apple worshipped the devil during production.
  • Fake Apple retail stores have been opened (and shut down) in many parts of China. In Kunming, for example, these stores appeared so authentic that even employees were duped.
  • Even with an estimated net worth of $7 billion, for the last 15 years with the company, CEO Steve Jobs was only paid $1 so he could qualify for the company’s health benefits.
  • Apple has a ‘no smoking’ ban regarding their computers. As ridiculous as it sounds, but if you smoke while using an Apple computer, you void the warranty – you’ve been warned!
  • The original Apple logo was designed by co-founder Ronald Wayne, who worked at Atari along with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, and is nothing like the one the company uses today.
  • 61 percent of Apple Company’s business is spread outside the US. From this, it can be guessed that two-third of the profit comes not from the US, but from the rest of the countries.
  • Apple also launched a clothing line in 1986 which unfortunately could not succeed. The collection included apparel, sunglasses, as well as other useful things such as watches, chairs, etc. 
  • When the first iPhone was launched, it took a year to cross the 1 million sales mark. However, the recently launched iPhone 12 series sales crossed a whopping 100 million in merely 7 months. 
  • Apple posts an intro video whenever it launches a new product. If you look closely at those videos, you’ll find that Jonathon Ive, Apple’s lead designer, has worn the same T-shirt in such videos.
  • By 2011, the Apple iPhone accounted for 40% of the company’s annual revenue. It’s estimated that over three-quarters of Apple’s income is from products that were invented within the past 10 years.
  • The name ‘Apple’ came from founder Steve Jobs’ like of the fruit. Mystery surrounded the reason for the name Apple, but in truth, it was just the fruit that Jobs’ liked and named the company after that.
  • Apple is pretty secretive. The company is said to have created fake projects for employees and management to work on. If the news leaks, you can hit the road. They’ll know exactly who spilled the beans.
  • Steve Jobs had only taken 1 dollar as a salary for the last 15 years at Apple Company. Despite this, the total capital of Steve jobs was more than $ 7 billion and the largest shareholder of the company.
  • When the first specimen of the Apple iPod was shown to Steve jobs, he tried to prove it by using Air Bubbles by putting it in the Aquarium and there is still empty space in it and can be made small on it.
  • Apple employs more people than a good-sized city. Apple employs over 90,000 people. However, millions more make money from Apple and that ranges from sales affiliates to mom and pop shops around the world.
  • We are quite used to dealing in Gigabytes (GB), sometimes even Terabytes (TB) when it comes to storage and data. You will be astonished to know that the first hard disc for Apple II had a storage capacity of five megabytes (MBs). 
  • We all know Steve Jobs as one of the mainstays of Apple; however, Steve Jobs is also the name of a fashion label in Italy. The brand was named as its founders recognized that Apple had never secured the rights to the name ‘Steve Jobs’.
  • One more thing about Apple CEO Tim Cook is very well known. If you are an employee of Apple, then be ready for an e-mail from Cook’s side at 4.30 a.m. Cook e-mails every employee to 4.30 a.m. in the morning. Now this is the unique way of work
  • There is one thing about the world’s largest technology company that you probably will not know. 61 percent of Apple’s business is from outside America. That is, one-third of the profits from Apple comes from the rest of the country, not just the USA.
  • At one point, Apple did not have the option to market its iPhone in Brazil, as another company owned the trademark. IGM Electronics, a telecommunications company, was the thorn in Apple’s side until the iPhone maker won a trademark case in the country.
  • One of the interesting facts about iPhones is that it is the most profitable product in the world. A major share of Apple’s profit comes from the sale of iPhones. It is one of the prominent reasons why Apple is successful and has an ever-expanding user base.
  • Apple’s first logo was Newton’s picture. Not only this Apple’s one product name was also Newton. Before the iPhone’s arrival, Apple used to sing the same quality of the product. But as soon as the iPhone came, Jobs ended the relationship between Apple and Newton.
  • In 2012 Apple sold 40 million iPhones. This means the average approximately 110000 iPhone sold per day. That was an average of 4,583 iPhones per hour, 76 iPhones per minute, and 1.26 iPhones per second. Apple’s iPhones sold in around 89 countries around the world.
  • Ronald Wayne, one of the co-founders of Apple left the company 12 days after its inception. Had he not sold his 10% share and left the company, his share would have been worth around $250 billion today! (Considering the company’s market value is $2.52 trillion today).
  • Ronald Wayne, the forgotten Apple co-founder, sold his shares in the company in 1977 for $800. While he only owned 10 percent of the company at the time, in today’s world this would be worth tens of billions of dollars. He has noted that he does not regret this decision.
  • The Apple company had faced a recession in its early stages. Apple got some order for the APPLE-I product in 1976 but did not have money to complete this order. Steve Jobs and Wojeniac started to sell their products to complete the deal. Where Jobs had sold his favorite Volkswagen van.
  • You might think of them only as fierce competitors, but Apple and Samsung have a different sort of relationship. Samsung actually manufactures the retina display on the Apple iPad and a portion of the memory chips used in the iPhone 6 (though Apple has cut back on its reliance on Samsung).
  • In 2005, there were 116 Apple retail stores scattered throughout the world, with the largest number in the United States. This total reached 317 by 2010 and 437 by 2014. The number of Apple stores has increased each year since 2005. Want to go work at one? Good luck–you have a better chance of getting into Harvard!
  • With the first Apple iPod, an Easter Egg was implanted. The way to get the Easter Egg is to go to the ‘About’ menu and hold down the center button for just a few seconds. Users could then see and play a game called Breakout. The game had previously been developed by Apple co-founders Wozniak and Jobs when they worked at Atari.
  • Apple is also most famous as a company that follows strict rules for its superb phone and privacy of its customers as according to the company they do not give any kind of explanation for the privacy of any customer. And you will also remember an incident when Apple refused even the FBI when the FBI approached Apple to unlock a terrorist’s iPhone.
  • Apple originally had three co-founders. The third co-founder, a man named Ronald Wayne, had joined co-founders, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak but he left the company only 12 days after it was founded. He sold his 10% share for only $800 and got an additional payout of $1,500. Had Wayne stayed with the company, his shares would be worth today around $60 billion!

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